How to make time for exercise

There are a lot of benefits to moving your body after pregnancy. It can help with recovery and has a profoundly positive impact on mental health. However, we know getting back into exercise after pregnancy and childbirth can be daunting. It is important to remember exercise will look different for everyone, and thats fine. Be kind to yourself and enjoy it. Here are our tips for easing back into exercise. 

Tag team with another mama - Everything is easier as a team. Arrange a time to catch up with your mama friends and go for a walk or set up a circuit. One mama watches the babies while the others exercise, and then you swap. 

Join a mum and bubs exercise group - There are a number of classes and gyms where you can bring your little one along. This is also a great way to meet like-minded mamas. 

Reach out to your network - If you have friends or family members that can babysit, do it. Don't be afraid to take time for yourself. You can't fill from an empty cup. 

Fit it in where you can - Set realistic expectations. If you are trying to exercise while bubs naps, great, but your workout may be cut short. This is okay. All movement counts. Celebrate the small wins! 

Invest in good maternity activewear - Taking extra care of our bodies during pregnancy and breastfeeding is really important. You may notice you need more support than you have previously. All of Hotmilk's Activewear has been designed with your changing body in mind. 

Check out the range here!

  • Balance Sports Bra - The ultimate sports bra, easy to fit with dual sizing foam cup support. A microfibre wire free sports bra with cotton A-frame nursing support, perfect for everyday light exercise and comfort.
  • Focus Maternity leggings - Featuring a full height comfort waist panel that can be worn right over the fullest bump, a post preggy belly, or folded down for the ultimate support postpartum. Placement of seams for the pregnant body and c-section scars means zero irritation, with non-see-through fabric when bending, and no roll down.
  • Reactivate Nursing Bra -Our Reactivate Sports Nursing Bra is designed for high-impact sports to reduce bounce and for all-day on-the-go support. Being active has never been so easy. This nursing bra is perfect for the fuller bust up to an H cup, padded front straps and a convertible racer-back to maximise support and comfort. Breathable with four-way stretch and a moisture-wicking lining. 

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